In the old-world access control, you configured a Door, and created some access privileges that granted access to that Door. infinias introduces the concept of a Zone. A Zone could be viewed as the physical space which the Door occupies in your facility, floor, or room.  Simply put, a Door borders two areas of a room, floor, or building, and each of those two areas are called a Zone. When you apply privileges to a Door, you're not really granting access to a Door, you're granting access to the Zone that the door protects.  The use of Zones simplifies the configuration process. Instead of creating an access privilege rule to each door, users can create a single rule applied to the zone, for all 20 doors.

Upon installation, infinias creates two default Zones: Inside and Outside. In general, they represent the inside of your building or office, and the outside of your building or office - your perimeter door or doors already border these two zones.

As you plan your system configuration, consider useful names for the Zones to which you will be applying access privileges. Once you have configured your Zones, it will be much easier to maintain and re-configure access privileges to the Zones than compared to the old mechanism of per-Door privileges.

For more information, please review this brief video tutorial- Understanding Zones